Hiker Man

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Hiker Man 
all started when I was hiking alone one day (before Bubba adopted us) and thought I would entertain Deirdre with a little of my stupid humor. It began as my version of a comical rendition of "Man -vs- Wild" and "Survivor Man."
Although both Bear & Les would definately be alot better off then I would alone in the wilds, I was so bored hiking alone I just had this urge to do something goofy. And thus, the Hiker Man comedy short was born.
I have made several shorts and will more then likely continue to make more along the way. Most are probably just plain stupid but all are meant as humor and should definitely not be taken seriously. You only go around once in this life so you might as well have some fun along the way, even if its in your own mind! Right?
You can find them on You Tube, if you are so inclined to search for them.

Some fans have been so kind (and ambious enough) to record a video response for Hiker Man.
Now I just couldn't let these go without sharing them, so you will also find those responses on You Tube as well. Happy searching & ENJOY...

This Page Background Music:
"Beleave" By Rod W. Welling
performed by our son Rod W. Welling